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In Christ there is no East or West
In Him no South or North
But one great fellowship of love
Thought the whole wide earth

In Him shall true hearts everywhere
Their high communion find
His service is the golden cord
Close binding humankind

Join hands, and have faith
Whatever your race may be
Who serves my Father as a child
Is surely kin to me

In Christ now meet both East and West
In Him meet North and South
All Christly souls are one in Him
Throughout the whole wide earth.

Join hands, and have faith
Forgive your enemies!
Surely we all are a part
Of one big family

Join hands, and have faith
Whatever your race may be
Who serves my Father as a child
Is surely kin to me

Join hands, and have faith
Forgive your enemies!
Surely we all are a part
Of one big family

Join hands, and have faith
Forgive your enemies!
Surely we all are a part
Of one big family
Surely kin to me
One big family
One big family



I will not glory in anything

Not accolade nor might

Not stature or acclaim on earth

But in the cross of Christ

I will glory in the cross of Christ

I will revel in His sacrifice

I will boast of Him who gave me life

I will glory in the cross of Christ

I will not glory in anything

That from His name would take

Honor that belongs to Him

Who's clothed in infinite praise

I will glory in the cross of Christ

I will revel in His sacrifice

I will boast of Him who gave me life

I will glory in the cross of Christ

All glory and honor and power be unto You

All glory and honor and power be unto You

All glory and honor and power be unto You

All glory and honor and power be unto You

I will not glory in anything

Not riches, power nor fame

For what is there that I possess

That did not come through grace

I will glory in the cross of Christ

I will revel in His sacrifice

I will boast of Him who gave me life

I will glory in the    cross of Christ

I will glory in the    cross of Christ

I will glory in the    cross of Christ



In life’s troubles, sorrows and pain, earnestly I seek Thee

Fill my soul with peace again; earnestly I seek Thee

   None but You, and You alone

    Take my life, make it Your own

    In my offering, build Your home

    Earnestly I seek Thee 

In life’s triumphs, victories, earnestly I seek Thee

In the shadow of the Almighty, earnestly I seek Thee

   None but You, and You alone

    Take my life, make it Your own

    In my offering, build Your home

    Earnestly I seek Thee 

Glory, honor, and power are yours O Lord

Glory, honor, power and praise

I will give all that I am to bless your name

And follow you every step of my days

Who am I that You would care? Earnestly I seek Thee

All my days, my nights, You’re there; earnestly I seek Thee

    None but You, and You alone

    Take my life, make it Your own

    In my offering, build Your home

    Earnestly I seek Thee 

   None but You, and You alone

    Take my life, make it Your own

    In my offering, build Your home

    Earnestly I seek Thee 

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